Spatial Analysis and Modeling - Announcements

2024 Announcements

Call for Election of TWO SAM Board Members for Term 2025-2028 and ONE Student Representative for Term 2025-2027

Dear SAM community,

After receiving 10 excellent candidates for the Board Member position and 5 excellent candidates for the Student Representative position, it's now time to cast your VOTE!

The SAM Specialty Group Board is seeking votes for TWO Board Member positions and ONE Student Representative position. The newly elected board member will serve on the SAM Specialty Group Board for the next three years (2025-2028). The elected student representative will serve on the Board for the next two years (2025-2027).

We invite you to evaluate each candidate and select your preferred choice. Please fill out the short election poll at your earliest convenience. Your participation is critical to the SAM Specialty Group's success and future direction.

This election is scheduled as follows:

  • Voting deadline: Friday, December 20, 2024 (11:59 pm PST)
  • Results announcement: The newly elected board member will be made at the SAM specialty group business meeting at the AAG 2025 Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan. Hope to see you there!

Please (1) provide your email address that is associated with your current SAM membership (i.e., the email address used to register for your current AAG membership), and 2) vote for our of the outstanding listed candidates using the following link.

Thank you for your time and support!

Seda Salap-Ayca

On behalf of SAM Board

Call for Nominations: Board Members of SAM Specialty Group 2025-2028

Dear SAM community,

Happy Election Day for the ones who reside in the USA!

The Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group Board is seeking nominations for TWO board member positions and ONE student representative position. The newly elected board members will serve on the SAM Specialty Group Board for the next 3 years (2025-2028). The elected student representative will serve on the Board for the next 2 years (2025-2027).

Please send the name and contact information of the scholar(s) you would like to nominate to Seda Şalap-Ayça ( by Friday, November 29, 2024. Please include a short biosketch of the nominee (no more than 250 words), or ask your nominee to send one directly. Self-nominations are also welcome.

This election is tentatively scheduled as:

  • Nomination deadline: November 29, 2024 (11:59 pm PST)
  • Voting period: December 9 - 20, 2024 (11:59 pm PST)

The elected board members will be announced at the SAM Specialty Group Business Meeting during the 2025 AAG Annual Meeting.

Kind regards,

SAM Board

SAM Outstanding Service Award Nominations

The Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers welcomes nominations for the annual Outstanding Service Award.

About: The purpose of the award is to recognize individuals who have made substantial contributions to the SAM community through outstanding services. Nominations are accepted each year.

Qualifications: Any current active SAM member who has a membership of more than two years and has made substantial contributions to the SAM community in one or more of the following areas can be considered for the Outstanding Service Award:

  • documented evidence in increasing the number of SAM members,
  • promoting the awareness and reputation of the SAM group (e.g., through SAM-sponsored AAG sessions, journal articles, or other publications),
  • excellence in organizing SAM Student Paper Competition (e.g., through increasing number of participants, and/or quality of papers),
  • seeking extramural funding (e.g. grants from NSF or other agencies) to support SAM activities such as (but not limited to) co-sponsoring a plenary speaker at the annual AAG meetings and/or other AAG events, and
  • exceptional outreach activities that render the general public or researchers from other disciplines to accept/use spatial analysis and modeling theories or techniques.

You can find the past awardees through Note that the current board members shall not be nominated for the award.

Nominations: Any SAM members (with membership verified) may submit a nomination.

Procedure: All nominations should be sent to Xin (Selena) Feng ( by December 31, 2024 via email with the subject Nomination for SAM Outstanding Service Award. The nomination should include:

  1. Name and contact information of the nominee,
  2. What/how the nominee has served SAM (in no more than 300 words, see the above award qualification),
  3. Name and contact information of the nominator and how the nominee is related to the nominator, and
  4. Biosketch of the nominee as a PDF attachment (no more than 1 page).

The committee's decision, including the possibility of not awarding a prize, is final. The honoree will be announced at the SAM specialty group business meeting in Detroit.

Kind regards,

AAG SAM Specialty Group

Call for Nominations: SAM Emerging Scholar Award 2025

Dear SAM community,

The Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers welcomes nominations for the annual Emerging Scholar Award. You may find the past awardees through SAM’s website.

About: The emerging scholar award honors early- to mid-career scholars who have made significant contributions to education and research initiatives that are congruent with the mission of the AAG-SAM. The candidates must have received their Ph.D. in or after 2014 and must be a member of the AAG-SAM at the time that the person is being nominated.

Nominations: Any SAM member (with membership verified) may submit a nomination (self-nomination is welcome).

Procedure: All nominations should be sent to Atsushi Nara ( by Tuesday, December 31, 2024, via email with the subject "Nomination for SAM Emerging Scholar Award." The nomination should include:

  • Letter of nomination
  • Current CV of the candidate
  • Evidence of excellence in scholarly work
  • Any other supporting materials, including at least one additional reference letter (e.g., letters from colleagues or former students, etc.)

The winner(s), if any, will be announced at the SAM specialty group business meeting in March 2025. No more than two awardees will be announced in a given year. The committee’s decision, including the possibility of not awarding a prize, is final.

Kind regards,

SAM Board Members

Student Travel Awards - AAG 2025

The Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers welcomes applications for the annual Student Travel Awards. The SAM specialty group will offer a travel stipend of $250 per awardee to graduate students who plan to travel and present in-person at the AAG Annual Meeting in Detroit, MI in March 2025.

To apply, please fill out this form. You will require the following information to complete your application:

  1. A PIN associated with your AAG registration and/or paper/poster abstract submission
  2. Abstract of your paper/poster
  3. Details demonstrating how you plan to use the travel award
  4. Document supporting proof of active membership to the SAM specialty group

Please note that we are only able to provide travel support to students who are active members of the SAM specialty group and have not already secured travel funding from any other specialty group.

The deadline to apply for the travel award is December 5th, 2024. Please email in case of any questions.

The Spatial Analysis and Modeling (SAM) Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) is sponsoring the John Odland Award (SAM student paper competition) at the 2025 AAG Meeting in Detroit, Michigan. The prizes will total a minimum of $1,000 and up to $1,500. The competition is open to active undergraduate and graduate students who have previously not won the award. Papers may be of a theoretical or applied nature. They will be judged on the following criteria:

  1. Potential contribution to the use of mathematical models, statistical techniques, and other technological and computational approaches for analyzing spatial phenomena in any subfield of geography;
  2. Appropriate and sound use of methodology;
  3. Originality;
  4. Organization and written composition of the paper;
  5. Quality of oral presentation.

Competition Guidelines

Step 1: Submission of extended abstract

Students wishing to enter the competition should submit the title and 1000-1500 word extended abstract (using the required format [download here] ) of their paper to the SAM Academic Director Dr. Jiannan Cai ( after registering to attend the 2025 AAG Annual meeting. Students should also include the PIN from their registration so that SAM can coordinate with the AAG to place competition papers into special sessions. The deadline to enter the competition is November 15 (Friday), 2024. The committee will review the abstracts and let each applicant know by December 9 (Monday), 2024 if s/he is selected for participating in the paper competition session.

Step 2: Submission of completed paper

All invited students entering the competition must submit their completed papers in .doc or .pdf format to the same e-mail address ( by January 13 (Monday), 2025. Each entrant must arrange a statement or 1-page long letter from a university faculty member, preferably their undergraduate or graduate advisor, certifying the role of the student as the lead contributor in completing the paper by January 13 (Monday), 2025. If the committee does not receive a letter from a faculty supervisor, the candidate is automatically disqualified from the competition.

* Format of completed paper submission * The title page of the submitted paper should include the name, current affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address of the entrant and coauthors if any. The following page should include only the title of the paper and an abstract. No identifying information should appear anywhere else than on the title page of the paper. Papers should be no longer than 35 double-spaced pages, including tables, figures and references. A panel of judges will review the papers before the AAG meeting.

Step 3: Session Presentation at AAG

Winners will be selected based on the quality of the submitted paper and the oral presentation during the AAG SAM competition sessions. The winners will be announced at the SAM specialty group business meeting and are invited to the AAG Awards Luncheon. All decisions, including the possibility of not awarding a prize, are final.

* Important note * The abstract/completed paper must be based on research primarily conducted while the student was at an accredited university. Coauthored papers are accepted as long as the student is the primary author of the manuscript. The same paper cannot be submitted for multiple competitions and may not be submitted for multiple years. Competitors must participate in the conference sessions because this year's competition only considers IN-PERSON.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: November 15 (Friday), 2024
  • Notification for Participation: December 9 (Monday), 2024
  • Full Paper Submission Deadline: January 13 (Monday), 2025
  • Submission of Statement of Contribution: January 13 (Monday), 2025
  • Presentation Session Notification: TBA

Posted by Rachel Franklin

As in past years SAM and GA are delighted to co-sponsor a plenary lecture at the 2025 AAG annual meeting, to be held in Detroit, March 24–28.

Now is the time to submit your nominations for speaker! To nominate someone, please submit a short letter of endorsement supporting the nominee's selection, along with a confirmation from the nominee that, if selected, they will accept the invitation and present the plenary lecture in person in Detroit. The selection will be made by SAM Board members, in consultation with the GA editor, Rachel Franklin. Information about previous speakers can be found on the SAM website: .

Nominations should be sent to Hyun Kim (SAM chair, and Rachel Franklin (GA editor, by October 15, 2024.

We look forward to hearing from you…and seeing you in Detroit!

Rachel Franklin
Newcastle University

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 student paper competition (John Odland Award)!

1st Prize
Haoyu Wang (University of Texas Austin)
Using Species Distribution Modeling for Geoforensic Analyses

2nd Prize
Mingzheng Yang (Texas A&M University)
Sleepless Cities under Social Isolation: Geographically and Temporally Revealing Circadian Rhythm Disorders through Social Media

3rd Prize
Hao Yang (University of Georgia)
Exploring Human Mobility Patterns: A Novel Approach to Sequential Pattern Mining and Similarity Measurement

Congcong Miao (University of Connecticut)
Assessing network-based traffic crash risk using prospective space-time scan statistic method